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Journal articles


  • Ticktin, T., Charitonidou, M., Douglas, J., Halley, J.M., Hernández-Apolinar, M., Liu, H., Mondragón, D., Pérez-García, E.A., Tremblay, R.L., Phelps, J., 2023. Wild orchids: A framework for identifying and improving sustainable harvest. Biological Conservation 277:109816. PDF

  • Goldstein, J.E., Neimark, B., Garvey, B., Phelps, J. 2023. Unlocking “lock-in” and path dependency: A review across disciplines and socio-environmental contexts. World Development 161:106116. PDF

  • Biggs, D., Peel, A.J., Astaras, C., Braczkowski, A., Cheung, H., Choi, C.Y., Orume, R.D., Cáceres-Escobar, H., Phelps, J., Plowright, R.K. and Van Rooyen, J., 2022. Governance principles for the wildlife trade to reduce spillover and pandemic risk. Available at SSRN 4304582. PDF

  • Prescott, G.W., Baird, M., Geenen, S., Nkuba, B., Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., 2022. Formalizing artisanal and small-scale gold mining: A grand challenge of the Minamata Convention
    One Earth 5:242-251. PDF

  • Fajrini, R., Nichols, R.M., Phelps, J. Poacher pays? Judges' liability decisions in a mock trial about environmental harm caused by illegal wildlife trade. 2022. Biological Conservation 266:109445. PDF

  • Phelps, J., Aravind, S., Cheyne, S., Dabrowski Pedrini, I., Fajrini, R., Jones, C.A., Lees, A.C., Mance, A., Nagara, G.,  Nugraha, T.P., Pendergrass, J., Purnamasari, U., Rodriguez, M., Saputra, R., Sharp, S.P., Sokolowki, A., Webb, E.L. 2021. Environmental liability litigation could remedy biodiversity loss. Conservation Letters 14:e12821. PDF

  • Pascual, M., Wingard, J., Bhatri, N., Rydannykh, A., Phelps, J. 2021. Building a global taxonomy of wildlife offenses. Conservation Biology 35:1903-1912. PDF

  • Phelps, J., Zabala, A., Daeli, W., Carmenta, R. 2021. Experts and resource users split over solutions to peatland fires. World Development 146:105594. DOI 

  • Jain, A., Aloysius, S.L.M.,  Lim, H., Plowden, T., Yong, D.L, Lee, J.G., Phelps, J. 2021.Understanding Singapore's dynamic parrot trade ecosystem. Oryx 1-11. PDF

  • Sandoval-Ceballos, M., Kalungwana, N., Griffin, J., Martínez-Guerra, G., Ramírez-Ramírez, I., Maldonado-Peralta, R., Marshall, L., Bosch, C., Cruz-Huerta, N., Gonzalez-Santos, R., León, P., Chávez-Servia, J., González-Hernández, V., Phelps, J., Toledo-Ortiz, G. 2021. The importance of conserving Mexico's tomato agrodiversity to research plant biochemistry under different climates. Plants, People, Planet 3:703-709. PDF

  • Schutter, M.S., Hicks, C.C., Phelps, J., Belmont, C. 2021. Disentangling ecosystem services preferences and values. World Development 146:105621. PDF

  • Carmenta, R., Zabala, A., Trihadmojo, B., Gaveau, D., Salim, M.A., Phelps, J. 2021. Evaluating bundles of interventions to prevent peat-fires in Indonesia. Global Environmental Change 67:102154. PDF

  • Schutter, M.S., Hicks, C.C., Phelps, J., Waterton, C., 2021. The blue economy as a boundary object for hegemony across scales. Marine Policy 132:104673. PDF

  • Thomas-Walters, L., Hinsley, A., Bergin, D., Doughty, H., Eppel, S., MacFarlane, D., Meijer, W., Lee, T.M., Phelps, J., Smith, R.J. and Wan, A., 2020. Motivations for the use and consumption of wildlife products.  Conservation Biology 35:483-4918. DOI / PDF


  • Jefferson, U., Carmenta, R., Daeli, W., Phelps, J., 2020. Characterising policy responses to complex socio-ecological problems: 60 fire management interventions in Indonesian peatlands. Global Environmental Change 60:102027. DOI / PDF


  • Paudel, K., Potter, G., Phelps, J. 2020. Conservation enforcement: Insights from people incarcerated for wildlife crimes in Nepal. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e137. DOI / PDF


  • T. H. Morrison, T.H.,  Adger, W.N., Brown, K., Lemos, M.C., Huitema, D., Phelps, J., Evans, L., Cohen, P., Song, A.M., Turner, R., Quinn, T., Hughes, T.P. The black box of power in polycentric environmental governance.  Global Environmental Change 57:101934. DOI / PDF


  • Margulies, J., Bullough, L.A., Hinsley, A., Ingram, D., Cowell, C., Goettsch, B., Klitgard, B., Lavorgna, A., Sinovas, P., Phelps, J., 2019. Illegal wildlife trade and the persistence of plant blindness. Plants, People, Planet 2019;00:1–10DOI / PDF 


  • Milner-Gulland, E. J., Cugniere, L., Hinsley, A., Phelps, J., Veríssimo, D. 2018. Evidence to action: Research to address illegal wildlife trade. PDF


  • Biggs, D., Holden, M.H., Braczkowski, A., Cook, C.N. Milner-Gulland, E.J., Phelps, J., Scholes, R.J. et al. 2017. Breaking the deadlock on ivory. Science 358:1378-1381. DOI / PDF


  • Hinsley, A.*, de Boer, H.J., Fay, M.F., Gale, S.W., Gardiner, L.M., Gunasekara, R.S., Kumar, P., Masters, S., Metusala, D., Roberts, D.L., Veldman, S., Wong, S., Phelps, J.* 2017.

    A review of the trade in orchids and its implications for conservation. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 4:435-455. DOI / PDF


  • Carmenta, R., Zabala, A., Daeli, W., Phelps, J. 2017. Perceptions across scales of governance and the Indonesian peatland fires. Global Environmental Change 46:50-59. DOI / PDF


  • Pascual, U., Palomo, I., Adams, W., Chan, K., Daw, T., Garmendia, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., de Groot, R., Mace, G., Martin-Lopez, Phelps, J. 2017. Off-stage ecosystem service burdens: A blind spot for global sustainability. Environmental Research Letters 12. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Dermawan, A., Garmendia, E., 2017. Institutionalizing environmental valuation into policy: Lessons from 7 Indonesian agencies. Global Environmental Change 43: 15-25. DOI / PDF


  • Prescott, G.W., et al. 2017. Political transition and emergent forest‐conservation issues in Myanmar." Conservation Biology 31: 1257-1270. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Biggs, D., Webb, E.L. 2016. Tools and terms for understanding illegal wildlife trade. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:479-489. DOI / PDF


  • Cooney, R. Roe, D., Dubling, H. Phelps, J.Wilkie, D., KEane, A., Travers, H., Skinner, D., Challender, D.W.S., Allan, J.R., Biggs, D. 2016. From poachers to protectors: Engaging local communities in solutions to illegal wildlife trade. Conservation Letters 10:367-374. DOI / PDF


  • Jones, C.A., Pendergrass, J.A., Broderick, J., Phelps, J. 2015. Tropical conservation and liability for enviornmental harm. The Environmental Law Reporter 45:32-50. DOI / PDF 


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L. 2015. "Invisible" wildlife trades: Southeast Asia's undocumented illegal trade in wild ornamental plants. Biological Conservation 186:296-305. DOIPDF


  • Friess, D.A.*, Phelps, J.*, Garmendia, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E. 2015 Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in the face of external biophysical stressors. Global Environmental Change 30:31-42 DOI / PDF


  • Pascual, U.*, Phelps, J.*, Garmendia, E., Brown, E., Corbera, E., Martin, A., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Muradian R. 2014. Social equity matters in Payment for Ecosystem Services. BioScience 64:1027-1036. DOI / PDF


  • Vermeulen, J.J., Phelps, J., Thavipoke, P. 2014. Notes on Bulbophyllum, including two new species from Thailand and the dilemmas of species discovery via illegal trade. Phytotaxa 184:012-022. DOI / PDF


  • Webb, E.L., Jachowski, N.R.A., Phelps, J., Freiss, D.A., Than, M.M., Ziegler, A.D. 2014. Deforestation in the Ayeyarwady Delta and the conservation implications of an internationally-engaged Myanmar. Global Envionmental Change 24:321-333. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Carrasco, L.R., Webb, E.L. 2014. A framework for assessing supply-side conservation interventions. Conservation Biology 28:244-257. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Carrasco, L.R., Webb, E.L., Koh, L.P., Pascual. U. 2013. Agricultural intensification escalates futureconservation costs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110:7601-7606. DOI / PDF


  • Webb, E.L., Friess, D.A., Krauss, K.W, Cahoon, D.R., Guntenspergen, G.R., Phelps, J. 2013. A global standard for monitoring coastal wetland vulnerability to accelerated sea-level rise. Nature Climate Change 3:458–465. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., Adams, W.A. 2012. Biodiversity co-benefits in forest carbon emissions reduction policy. Nature Climate Change 2:497-503. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Friess, D.A., Webb, E.L. 2012. Win-win REDD+ approaches belie carbon-biodiversity trade-offs. Biological Conservation 154:53-60. DOI / PDF


  • Ziegler, A., Phelps, J., Yuen, J.Q., Webb, E.L., Lawrence D., Fox, J.M., Bruun, T.B., Leisz, S.J., Ryan, C., Mertz, O., Dressler, W., Pascual, U., Padoch, C., Koh, L.P. 2012. Carbon outcomes of major land-cover transitions in SE Asia: Great uncertainties and REDD+ policy implications.  Global Change Biology 18:3087-3099. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., E.L. Webb, L.P. Koh. 2011. Risky business: an uncertain future for biodiversity conservation finance through REDD+. Conservation Letters 4:88-94. DOI / PDF


  • Friess, D.A., Phelps, J., Leong, R.C., Lee, W.K., Wee, A.K.S., Sivasothi, N., Oh, R.R.Y., Webb, E.L. 2012. Mandai Mangrove, Singapore: Lessons for the conservation of Southeast Asia’s mangroves. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. 25:47-57. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., Bickford, D.P., Nijman, V., Sodhi, N.S. 2010. Boosting CITES. Science 330:1752. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., Agrawal, A. 2010. Does REDD+ threaten to recentralize forest governance? Science 328:312-313. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Guerrero, M.C., Dalabajan, D.A., Young, B. and Webb, E.L. 2010. What makes a REDD country? Global  Environmental Change 20:322-332. DOI / PDF

Journal Correspondence
  • Wijedasa, L.S., et al. 2016. Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences. Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/gcb.13516. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Jones, C.A., Pendergrass, J.A., Gómez-Baggethun, A. 2015. Environmental liability: A missing use for ecosystem services valuation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:E5379. DOI / PDF


  • Rodriguez, M., Phelps, J. 2015. Trans-Pacific Partnership: Add conservation to US trade agreementNature 523:410. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Shepherd, C.R., Reeve, R., Niissalo, M.A., Webb, E.L. 2014. Letter: No easy alternatives to conservation enforcement: response to Challender and Macmillan. Conservation Letters 7:495-496. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Bickford, D.P., Webb, E.L. 2012. Work together to crack wildlife crime. Nature 483:407. DOI ​/ PDF


  • Webb, E.L., Phelps, J., Freiss, D.A., Ziegler, A.D., Rao, M. 2012. Environment-friendly reform in Myanmar. Science 336:295. DOI PDF


  • Bickford, D.P., Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., Nijman, V. Sodhi, N.S. 2011. Boosting CITES through research. Science 331:858-859. DOI / PDF


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L., Agrawal, A. 2010. REDD+: When the stakes are high. Science Online   DOI 

Book chapters
Policy papers
  • Phelps, J., Jones, C.A.,  Pendergrass, J. 2019. Liability for Environmental Harm as a Response to the Anthropocene. In: Lim, M. (Ed.) Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene. Springer, Singapore. Online


  • Phelps, J. 2015. Forest carbon, biodiversity and the promise of a green economy. In: Gasparatos, A., Willis, K. (Eds.) Biodiversity in the Green Economy. Routledge, London. Online


  • Phelps, J. 2014. Conservation of orchids in Myanmar. In: Kurtzweil, H., Saw Lwin. A Guide to the Orchids of Myanmar. Natural History Publications, Borneo. Online



  • Carmenta, R., Daeli, W., Jefferson, U., Phelps, J., Porter-Jacobs, L., Trihadmojo, B., & Zabala, A. (2017). From perceptions and discourses to policy content: A mixed method analysis of peatland fire management in Indonesia. CIFOR Brief 175. Center for International Forestry Research. PDF


  • Phelps, J. 2015. A blooming Trade: Illegal trade of ornamental orchids in mainland Southeast Asia. TRAFFIC, the wildlife monitoring network, and the Centerfor International Forestry Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bogor, Indoensia. PDF


  • Garmendia, E., Pascual, U., Phelps, J. 2015. Environmental justice: instrumental for conserving natural resources. BC3 Policy Briefing PB2015/04. Basque Center for Climate Change. PDF


  • Sinaga, A.C., Gnych, S., Phelps, J. 2015. Forests, financial services and customer due diligence. CIFOR Brief 38. Center for International Forestry Research. PDF


  • Sinaga, A.C., Phelps, J., Trisasongko, D., Rahayu, M.K. 2014. Mutual legal assistance to strengthen Indonesia-ASEAN forest governance. CIFOR InfoBrief 77. Center for International Forestry Research. PDF


  • Pascual, U., Garmendia, Phelps, J., Ojea, E. 2013. Leveraging global climate finance for sustianable forests: Opportunities and conditions for successful foreign aid to the forestry sector. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economic Research Working Paper. PDF 


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L. 2011. Integrating World Heritage Forests in REDD+. In: Adapting to Change: The State of Conservation of World Heritage Forests in 2011. World Heritage Papers 30. PDF


  • Phelps, J., Webb, E.L. 2011. What World Heritage can Offer REDD+ Policy Development. In: Adapting to Change: The State of Conservation of World Heritage Forests in 2011. World Heritage Papers 30. PDF


  • Phelps, J., Arquiza, Y. 2011. Policy Primer for the Philippines National REDD+ Strategy. Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme.


  • Phelps, J., Guerrero, C.M., Munez, M., et. al. (Eds.) The Philippines National REDD+ Strategy. PDF 


  • Guerrero, C.M., Phelps, J., Webb, E.L. 2010. Integrating ASEAN forest-based communities into voluntary carbonmarkets. Prepared for the 11th Seminar on Current International Issues Affecting Forestry and Forest Products. PDF

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