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Ph.D. Opportunity: Valuing environmental harm: How can local, legal and economic conceptualisations

This is a late-notice announcement for a Ph.D. scholarship at Lancaster for a project that integrates law and geography. The application is short and I am happy to discuss with prospective applicants.

Deadline: 20 April, funding for EU/UK applicants only

Supervisors: Jacob Phelps (Lancaster), James Fraser (Lancaster), Alejandra Rabasa (Environmental Law Institute), Carol Jones (Environmental Law Institute)

Why is this project interesting?

We readily recognise that environmental harm has broad impacts on society (e.g., on livelihoods, tax revenues, biodiversity loss, cultural impacts, increased costs of restoration). However, the magnitude of these injuries are rarely communicated via judicial processes, such as court sentences, fines and civil law suits. Moreover, the ways in which local residents perceive these harms often differs from how legal systems conceive them.

This project will elucidate, and compare how environmental harm from deforestation is locally experienced, and how it is recognized via formal legal processes. This includes a particular interest in how judges and prosecutors perceive and engage with concepts of environmental harm, and the economic valuation instruments often used to measure harm. It specifically engages liability for environmental harm, which holds perpetrators of environmental damage responsible for the harm they cause, including restoration and other forms of compensation. Although well-established in the context of U.S. water pollution (e.g., Deepwater Horizon oil spill), such liability provisions remain weakly applied in other contexts (e.g., tropical deforestation), and does not necessarily reflect harm as it is experienced. The project will explore these issues conceptually and through empirical field research, ranging from courtrooms to rural communities, based in Mexico (proposals for alternative country proposals will also be considered).

What’s in it for you?

This project is at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, integrating environmental governance, political ecology, environmental economics, activism and socio-legal research. This is reflected in the unique supervisory team of academics and practitioners, who are hands-on, politically-minded, creative and energetic. The project also offers potential to conduct research that has real-world impact.

Who should apply?

An ideal candidate will have a demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary work, experience conducting interviews, excellent academic track-record and strong writing skills. They would have a background / demonstrated interest in socio-legal research and law. Strong candidates with a background in geography or environmental economics will also be considered.

Candidates of any nationality are invited to apply. Spanish language proficiency is required if the candidate plans to work in Mexico (as is currently proposed). If candidates wish to propose research in another tropical/developing country, please list your related language skills and in-country networks.

The small print Studentship funding: Full studentship (UK/EU tuition fees and stipend (£14,553 2017/18 [tax free])) for UK/EU students for 3.5 years. Unfortunately funding is not available for International (non EU) students.

Academic Requirements: First-class or 2.1 (Hons) degree, or Masters degree (or equivalent) in an appropriate subject.

Deadline for applications: Midnight 20 April 2018

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